Welcome to our Website
We meet weekly on Thursdays either at Mapperley Golf Club or a social outing. See our Programme for details.
Guests are more than welcome. If you would like to join us any Thursday evening please email via our Contact page.
Carlton Rotary is based in the Borough of Gedling, Nottingham. We are one of 61 Clubs in District 1220 which comprises Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire.
District 1220’s Video – What is Rotary? – can be viewed here.
We are a part of Rotary International, which is the world’s largest service organisation.
The Club members include men and women from all walks of life. The projects we get involved in are incredibly fulfilling, worthwhile and rewarding – and there’s plenty of fun involved too. Our fundraising enables us to support many local organisations and accommodate requests from the local community. Requests can be made via here: Contact us
Funds given in 2025:
- Donation of £500 to Shelterbox and also to Aquabox for their ongoing work in disaster areas.
- Donation of £300 for the District Governor’s project of water bore wells in Uganda with the Busoga Trust
- Donation of £930 to Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication programme following our October fundraiser
- Donation of £1,360 to Rotary’s own charity, The Rotary Foundation
Funds given in 2024:
- Christmas donations in December included food vouchers for local families for distribution by St George’s Centre, Phenomenal Futures, Age Concern and local schools. Also donations to the Samaritans, Childline, the YMCA and Emmanuel House.
- Donation of £200 to Rotary Christmas Toy Box Appeal ‘Every Refuge, Every Child’ for children in local refuges.
- Donation of £200 towards travel costs for a local young gymnast
- Donation of £150 to Operation SMILE- a global charity – to enable a child to have free cleft lip surgery
- Donation of £200 towards a holiday in Llandudno for some attendees of Age Concern Carlton
- Donation of £300 to sponsor a girl’s tailoring course at Sri Sai Vidyarthi High School in India
- Donation of £200 to St Paul’s Church for their Breakfast Club
- Donation of £200 to Rivendell Flying High Academy towards their Forest Garden
- Donation of a washing machine to a local family in need
- Donation of £500 for a wheelchair student to attend and perform at the Edinburgh Fringe
- Donation of £200 towards the essential organ repairs at All Hallows Church, Gedling
- Donation of £100 to Prostate Cancer UK following our talk by Stewart Robinson
- Donation of £120 to sponsor a child through the Knysna Education Trust in South Africa
- Donation of £1,400 to our own charity, The Rotary Foundation
- Donation to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission following their talk at a club meeting
- Donation of £300 to Trent Dementia following their presentation on Zoom
- Donation to Support for Survivors for group therapy work
- Profits of £1,000 from our March Quiz night to Maggies Cancer Centre, Nottingham City Hospital
- Donation for purchase of 2 beds for a family supported by Phenomenal Futures
- Donation of £570 to 1st Gedling Scout Group for 3 tents and hot water dispensers.
- Donation of £250 to Mary’s Meals following the Zoom presentation from them in January.
Funds given in 2023:
- Christmas donations in December included food vouchers for local families for distribution by St George’s Centre, Phenomenal Futures, Age Concern and local schools. Also donations to the Samaritans, Childline, the YMCA and Emmanuel House.
- Donation of £200 to Rotary Christmas Toy Box Appeal ‘Every Refuge, Every Child’ for children in local refuges.
- Donation of £200 to enable a group of local Young Carers to have a go-Karting experience at Team Sport Nottingham
- Donation of £150 following a very interesting talk from Base 51
- Donation of £250 to Phenomenal Futures
- Donation of £200 to Young Lives vs Cancer
- Donation of £200 to the Phoenix School towards Forest School training for a teacher
- Donation of £690 to Shelterbox in response to the earthquake in Morocco and the flood in Libya.
- Donation of £500 clothing to Emmanuel House in Nottingham
- Donation of £200 to St Paul’s Church for their Breakfast Club
- Donation of £200 to Age Concern Community Hub (Carlton) towards their activity group summer outing
- Donation of £200 towards a sensory room at the Manor Care Home
- Donation to Netherfield Lagoon step repairs
- Bleed cabinet for Netherfield Loco Centre
- Profits of £1,000 from our March Quiz night to Maggies Cancer Centre, Nottingham City Hospital
- £1,020 to The Rotary Foundation – Rotary’s own charity fund
- £250 to Operation Smile
- £100 to End Polio Now Rotary’s continued campaign to vaccinate world-wide to eradicate polio.
- £100 towards a specialised wheelchair for a young aspiring doctor
- £250 to Improving Lives Nottingham – mental healthcare services
- Regular payments from our Rotary Foundation Grant to St George’s Centre, Netherfield and Hope Foodbank in Carlton
- £60 following a speaker evening to Red Rubber Ball Foundation